Virtuino on Play Store



Virtuino Tutorial 03 : ESP8266 Web Server 

Tutorial description:

Enable or disable  the Arduino uno board LED of  pin 13 via Virtuino App using ESP8266 wifi module


Step 1: Arduino connections

Connect an ESP8266 module to Arduino board as the plan below





Step 2: Arduino code

Click the link below to download Virtuino Library (Don't unzip the downloaded file)

Virtuino Library ver 1.1 Download

  1. Run Arduino IDE software to add Virtuino library
  2. Go to Menu/Sketch/Include Library/Add .ZIP Library


Find and Load Virtuino Library zip file you have just downloaded

  1. Go to Menu/File/Examples/Virtuino_Library/
  2. Select: webserver_esp8266_example_01



On the  code set the corect baud rate of your esp8266 module


Enter your wifi network name and password

Enter a correct IP address for your ESP8266 module.

This depends on your router IP

If your Router IP is enter an ip like

If your Router IP is enter an ip like etc.


When you are ready connect Arduino board to a USB port  and upload the code


Step 3: Virtuino app settings



Enable your Android device internet connection 

Run Virtuino app